Spot VMs for High

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Spot VMs for High

2023-04-03 10:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

As each EDA tool behaves differently, we started analyzing runtime memory usage patterns for each tool independently to assess the amount of time needed to successfully save the state. We also explored multiple technical solutions that can either provide alternatives to the standard checkpoint-restore functionality or complement that capability. One unique solution was presented by Exostellar, which leverages machine learning to predict the onset of a Spot termination signal in advance. Earlier this year, Synopsys entered into a technical partnership with Exostellar to jointly develop and market an intelligent solution to this problem.

This solution is built on the concept of creating a “Virtual Machine Array” optimized for each EDA tool which contains a mix of Spot and on-demand VMs. Based on termination signal predictions from its AI driven algorithm, the solution migrates the running EDA workload, live, to an on-demand VM in the VM Array, thus reducing the chances of the workload being terminated. Once Spot availability eases, the running state is migrated back to a Spot VM in the array. We tested this architecture extensively on some of our most compute intensive high memory workloads and are now pleased to announce the Spot Optimized Synopsys Cloud solution for EDA. Powered by Exostellar X-Spot technology, this solution enables customers to save up to 75% off on-demand compute prices. This capability will be released in Q3, 2023, starting first with availability on AWS, followed by Azure. The first release of this solution will enable Fusion Compiler, PrimeTime, and IC Validator tools to run on Spot instances. 

When we first launched Synopsys Cloud one year ago, one of our primary goals was to enable industry transforming technology for chip designers who want to leverage cloud. With FlexEDA, the industry’s first true pay-per-use business model, and a completely browser-based high performance computing experience, Synopsys Cloud is driving cutting edge innovation to enable our customers to focus on what they do best – design chips, faster. You can try a full-featured free evaluation of Synopsys Cloud for 30 days by signing up at




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